Thursday, 11 January 2018: 3:45 PM
Room 12A (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
Air quality simulations were made for the South Coast Air Quality Basin (SoCAB) with the Community Multi-scale Air Quality model (CMAQ). Simulations were made for two selected episodes with high concentrations of high particulate matter using 2008 as the base-year. The first episode occurred during September and the second occurred during November. These simulations were made with variations in organic compound emissions. The meteorological fields from 2008 were used to make several more simulations for different levels of nitrogen oxide emissions for the future-year 2030. We found that the CMAQ modeled biogenic aerosol concentrations correlated with the levels of anthropogenic organic compound emissions. Biogenic aerosol concentrations and anthropogenic secondary organic aerosol concentrations increased with increases in the emissions of nitrogen oxides. The presentation will focus on the detailed examination of the relationships between nitrogen oxide and volatile organic compound emissions and CMAQ simulated concentrations of biogenic aerosol concentrations.