Tuesday, 9 January 2018: 2:15 PM
Salon H (Hilton) (Austin, Texas)
Matthew Seybold, NESDIS, College Park, MD; and E. M. Kline, R. Race, J. Fulbright, D. Pogorzala, W. M. MacKenzie Jr., K. W. Mozer, J. McNitt, and J. Kline
GOES-S is the second satellite in the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite GOES-R Series. After GOES-S completes Launch and Orbit Raising (LOR), it will enter the Post-Launch Testing (PLT) phase. The objective of PLT is to validate the performance capability of GOES-S and the ground segment’s product generation and distribution. The GOES-R Program will evaluate, optimize and deliver GOES-S to OSPO so it is ready to become part of the operational GOES constellation. Activities during PLT will demonstrate the GOES-S observatory performs as expected on-orbit and continuous L1b data can be used to generate and distribute science products for usage by the user community. An integrated series of tests and demonstrations will be performed for the key elements of the system: Spacecraft Observatory, Ground System, and Science Algorithms.
The PLT phase includes the initial instrument outgassing and activation followed by a period of subsystem/instrument performance and operations testing. Activities include subsystems and instruments calibration and trending, subsystems and instruments performance optimization, and Image Navigation and Registration (INR) system startup, performance characterization and operational demonstration.
This talk will highlight plans for instrument and product level tests, including special scans and calibrations. It will also discuss PLT milestones and lessons learned from GOES-R PLT. Finally, the data release strategy for GOES-S will be shared including the schedule for first public image release, internal data flow checkout, and external data distribution to customers.

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