This study describes the development of the Global Graphical Turbulence Guidance (G-GTG) for the WAFS upgrade. The strategy is to compute a set of diagnostics that identifies regions of strong spatial gradients, and using an empirical mapping technique, convert these indicators into an equivalent Energy Dissipation Rate (EDR) to the 1/3 power. This metric is a physically sound severity metric of atmospheric turbulence, and is the ICAO standard for reporting turbulence, and thus provides a convenient basis for verification. Deterministic forecasts are provided using an ensemble mean of the individual turbulence diagnostics from two global NWP models (NOAA’s Global Forecast System model and The MO’s Unified Model). Probabilities for different levels of turbulence intensities can be provided using the diagnostic ensemble from two NWP models. In this way clear-air turbulence sources and mountain wave turbulence sources are captured, although convective turbulence sources are more problematic in the short-term perspective. The research-to-operations (R2O) procedures for getting G-GTG into the WAFS system will be described. Verification results based on case studies and statistical evaluations against aircraft-based EDR observations will also be presented.