Thursday, 11 January 2018: 10:30 AM
Room 12B (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
GOES-R imagery and data promises to be a giant leap for weather observing and forecasting throughout many industries. Aviation is no exception and the Federal Aviation Administration’s Aviation Weather Research Program (AWRP) is conducting research on the feasibility of incorporating GOES-R data into future products, services and decision support systems. AWRP funds and manages a variety of research programs related to convection, turbulence, in-flight icing, ceiling and visibility, wind, and other phenomena that impact aviation safety and efficiency. Candidate algorithms and products resulting from this research undergo a rigorous quality assessment to determine meteorological accuracy and a comprehensive user evaluation process to measure operational effectiveness. Only successful projects are transitioned to formal operational status for use by air traffic controllers, planners and other decision makers.
This presentation will highlight and describe some of the projects AWRP is managing on incorporating GOES-R imagery and data into future operational products. Examples may include using new GOES-R imagery bands in the Offshore Precipitation Capability, integrating GOES-R data in the Current Icing Product, and using GOES-R data in the Global Turbulence Guidance. The benefit to these products and the implications for aviation will be discussed, as well as societal benefits for pilots, passengers and potentially even the general public.