7.3 Technology and Integrated Roadmaps for the Proposed Future NESDIS Satellite Architecture

Wednesday, 10 January 2018: 11:00 AM
Salon H (Hilton) (Austin, Texas)
Elena Adams, APL, Laurel, MD; and S. Thibault, D. Eng, P. Clark, R. T. Menzies, C. Zuffada, F. W. Gallagher III, K. St. Germain, and M. W. Maier

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has conducted a study to plan for the next generation of weather satellites. The NOAA Satellite Observing System Architecture (NSOSA) study has been an opportunity to design a modern architecture driven by user needs, with no pre-conceived notions regarding instruments, platforms, orbits, etc.. The study team developed and evaluated approximately 100 architecture alternatives, to include partner and commercial contributions that are likely to become available. The process of generating these architecture alternatives had to balance comprehensiveness with depth and adequately explore a complex design space. This paper focuses on the results of the technology and integrated roadmap development efforts. The technology roadmaps describe the current state of critical technologies and the steps (including estimated costs) required to advance the technology to a mature enough level to be included in a future program of record. The integrated roadmap shows the various events in the lifetime of the future program of record and includes preliminary design stages (including technology development outlined in the technology roadmap), launch cadence and time frames, flyout of satellites, and the initiation of additional blocks of satellites. The technology and integrated roadmaps not only identify recommended investments in sensor technology and concept development over the next few years, but also inform NOAA leadership as to when some of the key decisions need to be made.
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