Monday, 8 January 2018: 3:15 PM
Room 10AB (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
The 16th Weather Squadron (16 WS) of the 557th Weather Wing at Offutt Air Force Base Nebraska has operationalized a service-oriented software suite, called Weather Services-Live, Virtual, Constructive (WS-LVC). All environmental products produced by this system are derived from historical reanalysis source data. This system employs a cutting-edge scenario search capability allowing 16 WS meteorologists to interrogate the source data to retrieve historical scenarios in order to recreate and replay environmental conditions for simulations or training exercises to meet a wide range of specified objectives. An integral part of WS-LVC is the ability to execute 5, 15, and 45km horizontal grid spacing regional model runs using the historical reanalysis source data as initial and lateral boundary conditions to generate custom, gridded data for end-users. Based on detailed, iterative input from end-users, 16 WS meteorologists custom configure output to include: data, test, and graphics products to include simulated satellite and radar imagery. With the Integrated Weather Environmental Aid serving as the backbone to the service, 16 WS meteorologists have access to WS-LVC’s powerful ability to produce rule-based system and mission impact products allowing operators to visualize and understand the effects environmental conditions can have on the systems and constructs in which they operate. This presentation will include an overview of WS-LVC and how the system is currently employed at the 557th Weather Wing. The presentation will include several product examples and provide details on who can initiate support requests, along with how the support request process is accomplished.
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