suitable for the eddy covariance estimates of the vertical transport of
heat and moisture by near-surface turbulent eddies in the convective
boundary layer (CBL). The turbulent vertical fluxes are dominated by
updrafts of warm and moist air, and downdrafts of cool and dry air.
Therefore, the cospectra between the fluctuations of vertical velocity
(w) and temperature (T) , between w and water vapor mixing ratio (r) ,
and between T and r should be all positive. From the timescale at which
any of the three positive cospectra does the sign change into negative,
one can evaluate that the vertical transport of heat and moisture by nonturbulent
process surpass the turbulent vertical fluxes. We apply this
cospectrum approach to 3.64-h long, 10-Hz time series of w, T and r
centered at the midday at the height of 5 m above ground level on 16 fair
weather days from the XPIA field campaign. The daily variation of the
midday broadly varies from 8 min to 41 min. The contribution of the nonturbulent
vertical heat flux to the 30-min mean flux (or the maximum
ogive flux) reaches up to 7 % (or 10 %). In terms of the vertical
moisture flux, on the minimum day, the 30-min mean flux explains only 87
% of the turbulent flux. Except this case, the non-turbulent contribution
to the 30-min mean flux are within 2 %. But with respect to the maximum
ogive moisture flux, the non-turbulent contribution goes up to 15 %. By
extending the estimation into the whole daytime, we observe a clear
diurnal evolution of . When the value rapidly grows in the morning, the
non-turbulent contribution to the maximum ogive vertical heat flux goes
up to 34 %, and the maximum ogive moisture flux to 18 % with 3.64-h
window centered at 0800 LT in the composite averaged over the 16 days.