An initial Needs Assessment was completed which identified a set of key stakeholders that use and/or provide dissemination technologies. The strengths and weaknesses of both traditional and newer dissemination methods/processes were assessed and provided a baseline of information for understanding the needs and desires to modify, improve, retain, or even remove certain technologies from the warning process. Analysis of this data is providing unique insight to better understand the complex warning communication process and the variety of warning modalities available to users.
The project is conducting ongoing stakeholder engagement with previous and new participants to obtain broader representation across the user community and determine gaps in dissemination as well as modality functionality. Additionally, this input will be evaluated and prioritized to inform establish mission needs and requirements for future changes to NWS mass dissemination delivery service/system.
This talk will present various weather warning information delivery modalities and discuss the different models of dissemination in which they are best utilized, given various event scenarios, populations and warning partners. Considerations for future dissemination requirements will be discussed.