The southern Bay of Bengal is a relatively under-explored region, characterised by sharp zonal and meridional gradients in SST and sea-surface salinity (SSS) with the waters in the northern Bay and the open Indian Ocean to the south. The southern Bay features an intense northeastward current that diverts around Sri Lanka and advects high SSS water from the Arabian Sea, providing a contrast with the fresher water from river outflow into the northern Bay. The Sri Lanka "cold dome" also presents a mystery: a local SST minimum in a relatively dry region with high net surface flux into the ocean. The interactions of these features with developing and propagating weather systems, as well as the effects of these systems on the oceanic mixed layer below, are unknown.
The Bay of Bengal Boundary-Layer Experiment (BoBBLE) aims to improve understanding of air-sea interactions in the Bay of Bengal and their effects on developing weather systems and ultimately South Asian monsoon rainfall. It comprises a field campaign in the southern Bay during the summer monsoon in 2016, as well as related modelling experiments with forced ocean models and coupled atmosphere-ocean weather and climate models. The BoBBLE campaign was conducted on RV Sindhu Sadhana in July 2016 and obtained detailed oceanographic and atmospheric measurements with radiosondes, underwater autonomous vehicles, Argo floats and shipboard acoustic depth current profilers (ADCP), among other instruments. The ship conducted two transects across the southern Bay, as well as a two-week timeseries at 89E, 8N. The campaign observed a prolonged break phase of the monsoon and a transition to the next active phase, which included SST warming and strong salinity advection by the monsoon current.
This presentation will review the BoBBLE campaign, including observations and related modelling experiments. For the latter, the presentation will show experiments with the Met Office Unified Model Global Ocean Mixed Layer model (MetUM-GOML) that demonstrate how an improved representation of local air-sea interactions in the Indian Ocean improves the structure and northward propagation of the boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation to India. Initial results from coupled numerical weather prediction of the 2016 monsoon season will also be shown, including a comparison against operational atmosphere-only forecasts to demonstrate the impact of air-sea coupling on sub-seasonal monsoon prediction.