4A.6 Tropospheric NO2 Observations from Airborne Remote Sensors during Discover-AQ: Retrieval and Evaluation

Tuesday, 9 January 2018: 9:45 AM
Room 18CD (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
Lok N. Lamsal, USRA, Columbia, MD; and M. Fiollett-Cook, K. E. Pickering, S. Janz, M. Kowalewski, C. P. Loughner, and B. Duncan

We present a retrieval study for NO2 from ultraviolet/visible airborne remote sensors that flew during the DISCOVER-AQ field campaigns. These instruments provide observations of NO2 abundance in the troposphere with the high spatial resolution requirements of next generation geostationary sensors. Our main objectives here are (i) to design and describe a retrieval scheme to derive vertical NO2 column abundance underneath the aircraft from the airborne spectrometer, (ii) to provide a quantitative assessment of the resulting NO2 product, and (iii) to analyze NO2 observations from the ground, aircraft, and satellite for improved understanding of the column-to-surface relationship. The ultimate goal of this work is to derive surface estimates of NO2 from satellite column observations.
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