In satellite science algorithm development, there is an innate character of ever-evolving capabilities. In order for algorithm deployments to keep pace with the latest science updates, there have been multiple areas of focus among satellite algorithm process development groups. One area is with requirements and funding to create a competitive, agile environment where requirements and solutions may evolve on a frequent (e.g. annual) basis. Another area is with adaptive planning and rapid delivery for flexible, quick response to software changes. It is in this area where the GOES-R PRO Team has been employing agile methodology of algorithm deployment.
The GOES-R Product Readiness and Operations (PRO) Team has been using a new approach to deploying GOES-16 algorithm fixes which dramatically increases the time to operations using an agile approach to deploying the algorithm fixes. The new system affords several new features which enable integration, test, and deployment with no interruption to product generation and ensures rapid deployment onto the system. This presentation will discuss the process and benefits of moving towards an agile approach to algorithm deployments on current and future operational satellite ground systems.