1.1 Helping Healers Heal the World: Materials and Methods to Help Health Professionals Understand Climate and Health Connections

Monday, 8 January 2018: 8:45 AM
Room 17B (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
John Balbus, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD; and C. Sorensen


Health professionals, because of their roles both as care givers and community leaders, are an important audience for educational materials related to the health impacts of climate and extreme weather. Challenges persist, however, in raising the climate literacy of health professionals and health professional students, largely because of competing priorities and limited time. Efforts to increase the uptake of educational materials for health professionals need to ensure clear relevance for clinical and public health practice, flexibility in format (e.g., lecture vs. hands on exercise), and ease of use. This presentation will describe efforts to develop effective educational materials for health professionals by adapting existing high school materials for the multiple relevant health care and public health settings. Examples of approaches at different institutions and in different countries around the world will be reviewed and contrasted.

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