The innovative research and production of microwave data such as the 89 and 37 GHz products through NRL TC Web has made these analyses of TC position, intensity, and structure an indispensable part of the forecasting toolbox at the Joint Typhoon Warning Center, National Hurricane Center, and Central Pacific Hurricane Center. Through its wide availability as a publicly accessible information resource and archive, NRL TC Web has grown in popularity and now routinely benefits emergency planners, the media, academic studies, and especially international partners at the World Meteorological Organization’s (WMO) TC Regional Specialized Meteorological Centers (RSMCs) such as the Japan Meteorological Agency, Météo-France, and the Australian Bureau of Meteorology.
This presentation will provide an overview of the history of the webpage, satellite data processing, and satellite analysis projects, culminating with highlights for current and upcoming projects. Important lessons learned from the NRL TC Web mission include the development of data fusion and optimal visualization methods, proper development of a processing infrastructure (leading to the next generation of NRL TC Web analysis using the Geolocated Information Processing System, GeoIPSTM), and the importance of storm structure for short term analysis. Acquisition and near real-time availability of data has benefited from relationships with FNMOC, NASA, and NOAA, while the basis of the research and value of this work was made possible by funding and support from the Office of Naval Research, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, NOAA, and NASA.