Handout (2.3 MB)
After three years of evaluation at the hazardous weather testbed (HWT) the wide swaths of NUCAPS profiles in AWIPS are valued for being (i) model independent–NUCAPS has a regression first guess, (ii) promoting situational awareness and, (iii) enhancing mesoscale analysis. With both spatial and vertical information available, visualizing a single NUCAPS 100-layer sounding is not always the most useful option. Recent efforts demonstrated the information gained from visualizing gridded 2-D plan views of NUCAPS soundings on different pressure layers, e.g., maps of mid-level moisture that display complex processes as gradients over large areas. Interrogating individual profiles or pressure layers in AWIPS, however, is not always feasible because it can be time consuming to find the right information for a specific scenario–there are hundreds of profiles per satellite swath, and 100 layers per profile. As it stands, forecasters rarely have time for exploration in a real-time operational environment. This team aims to design and test different information metrics (as means of data compression) that can be delivered through direct broadcast pathways (most notably the Community Satellite Processing Package; CSPP) with the goal to significantly improve information access and efficiency. We envisage these compressed, low latency NUCAPS products to be part of a “dashboard” display that alert forecaster to areas of interest, such as rapid change, steep gradients or disagreement between observations and models. Forecasters can then save their deep-dive evaluation of the 3-D atmosphere for target areas that are most relevant to their problem-solving scenario at hand. This work is in direct response to forecaster feedback at the HWT as they expressed a need for improved, low latency decision-making tools of the observed atmospheric state.