Along with and combined with complementary Earth observations, SWOT measurements can be used in planning and operations, policy development, decision-making, and numerous other areas that can benefit society, commerce, and operational agency activities.
Research activities using simulated and proxy SWOT data sets are underway, which will assess quality and potential value of SWOT measurements for mapping inland lakes, reservoirs, and rivers. The instruments will also allow for high resolution maps ocean surface topography to improve the understanding of global and regional sea level change. In the coastal zone SWOT can collect data over the tidally affected portions of rivers, and estuaries and wetlands, to help better understand the dynamics of freshwater/marine interaction dynamics.
NASA's Applied Sciences Program (ASP), along with the international SWOT project teams, is supporting a program that promotes applications research and engages a broad community of potential SWOT data users. The applied science community would be a key element in a successful SWOT mission, demonstrating the high value of NASA’s missions and the utility of science and data products in addressing societal issues and needs.