Monday, 8 January 2018: 9:45 AM
Room 17A (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
The Weather Archive and Visualization Environment (WAVE) Project was born out of the
operational needs of National Weather Service WFO forecasters and Science and Operations
Officers (SOOs). WAVE was developed by WFO operational meteorologists to fill gaps in what
their operational software provides and what was operationally needed to:
● Perform Impact-based Decision Support Services (IDSS)
● Perform day-to-day forecasting duties involving new and/or experimental data sets
● Review archived meteorological data in a case-study fashion
● Enhance training opportunities
WAVE is web-based and has the advantages of being flexible and portable. Quick changes to the
data ingest, user interface, and graphical displays can be achieved with little effort and in
minimal time. The system can incorporate any dataset that is available, and is a convenient way
to put experimental data in the hands of forecasters (e.g., ensemble runs from research entities).
The graphical output can be customized for high-quality IDSS graphics, thus streamlining the
IDSS workflow at WFOs. There are numerous advantages to WAVE, and this presentation will
highlight the benefits of the project, as well as some technical details that illustrate the current
status of WAVE.
operational needs of National Weather Service WFO forecasters and Science and Operations
Officers (SOOs). WAVE was developed by WFO operational meteorologists to fill gaps in what
their operational software provides and what was operationally needed to:
● Perform Impact-based Decision Support Services (IDSS)
● Perform day-to-day forecasting duties involving new and/or experimental data sets
● Review archived meteorological data in a case-study fashion
● Enhance training opportunities
WAVE is web-based and has the advantages of being flexible and portable. Quick changes to the
data ingest, user interface, and graphical displays can be achieved with little effort and in
minimal time. The system can incorporate any dataset that is available, and is a convenient way
to put experimental data in the hands of forecasters (e.g., ensemble runs from research entities).
The graphical output can be customized for high-quality IDSS graphics, thus streamlining the
IDSS workflow at WFOs. There are numerous advantages to WAVE, and this presentation will
highlight the benefits of the project, as well as some technical details that illustrate the current
status of WAVE.