Tuesday, 9 January 2018
Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
The GOES-R Ground Segment has instituted a formal algorithm change process. This process was needed to ensure that the many organizations involved in the calibration/validation activities are kept informed of the status of algorithms they are and/or are not expecting. The main focus of the algorithm change process is communication. It organizes scientific contributions prior to entering the software change process used by the Ground Segment Contractor. The algorithm change process also provides a mechanism for the scientist to verify the correctness of a change prior to implementation in the operational system by analyzing data from full system testing.
As the GOES-R Project has moved from the pre-launch phase to post launch testing to operations the algorithm change process has had to adapt to better meet the need of the program. As the program continues to move towards handover to OSPO there have been several lessons learned that have driven the changes to the algorithm change process. This poster will describe those changes.