Tuesday, 9 January 2018
Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
The JPSS Proving Ground and Risk Reduction (PGRR) program supports user demonstration by stimulating interactions between technical experts from the JPSS Program, university partners, and key user stakeholders. The PGRR program’s primary objective is maximizing the benefits and performance of S-NPP and JPSS data, algorithms, and products for downstream operational and research users. The PGRR Program projects are grouped into initiatives, one of which is the Critical Weather, Numerical Weather Prediction and Data Assimilation initiative. The main purpose of this initiative is to further the scientific advancement of the use of JPSS satellite data to support critical weather forecasting and numerical modeling efforts in NOAA and beyond. This presentation describes the outcome and benefits that resulted from the projects that are participating in this initiative. It will also include their research updates, primary users, key accomplishments, collaboration to bridge research operation to development of products, user engagement and future plan. The participating project’s research area ranges from improvement of tropical cyclone forecast capabilities using JPSS data suite, satellite based hurricane intensity estimation in JPSS/GOES-R era to NPP & JPSS data assimilation improvements, CrIS radiance assimilation in GSI for better forecasts of high impact weather events etc. JPSS PGRR supported studies have been very successful in demonstrating applications of ATMS and CrIS in improving both track and intensity forecasts. ATMS and CrIS data were integrated into critical weather models to improve tropical cyclone track and intensity forecasts. Improvements were made to data selection and uncertainty of numerical weather prediction models via assimilation of ATMS, CrIS, and VIIRS data including enhancement of operational ATMS/CrIS usage with the NRL Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) model and data assimilation systems.