Use of the commercial satellite broadcast GEONETCast-Americas in the Americas and the Caribbean (WMO Regions III and IV) is a cost effective means to obtain real-time imagery and products. NOAA provides this service and is currently evaluating the geostationary (GEO) and low earth orbiting (LEO) satellite imagery and product suite to provide users with what they need. More users will consider GNC-A as a viable means to access data, particularly as the software and training issues are addressed and linked.
After the Climate workshop at CIMH, training materials were updated based on trainer observations and user feedback. They were next adapted for a NOAA/WMO Train the Trainer workshop associated with the NOAA Satellite Conference (NSC) held in July 2017 and an AmeriGEOSS GEONETCast workshop held at the University of Costa Rica in August 2017. The two workshops offered another opportunity to link the gaps mentioned above. For these two workshops, we attempted a “flipped classroom” approach, where participants were asked to review satellite remote sensing basics prior to coming, as well as download at least one case example for practice with the McIDAS-V software. The case examples utilized GOES-16 and JPSS imagery that are or will be available through GNC-A. Ideally this approach allows for more time during the workshop to focus on identifying aspects of the training that help different levels of users (intern, journey, advanced, expert) and exchanging ideas on how to follow up and supplement the basic training in order to promote a deeper level of understanding. The McIDAS-V data bundle option was used for a quick load of the imagery with supplemental detailed instructions available for those who wanted more in-depth information on how to load an image file on their own.
The goals for both workshops were to gather feedback on the following questions: Does the content of the background modules adequately address what is needed to answer questions posed in the hands-on exercises for the various levels of learners? How can the information be adapted to address wider ranges of learner needs and for “our region of interest”? How easy was the example to access and download? Would this approach work for a virtual course? Even though the training activities tend to focus on satellite meteorology with applications to the weather forecasting user, the training participants have included technicians, hydrologists, geologists, local government representatives focusing on water resources, sustainable development, statistics, and emergencies. A summary of the workshops and feedback since will be presented.