Monday, 8 January 2018: 10:45 AM
Room 3 (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
Katharine Hayhoe is a Professor in the Public Administration program at Texas Tech University and Director of the Climate Science Center at Texas Tech, part of the Department of the Interior's South-Central Climate Science Center. Her research focuses on developing and applying high-resolution climate projections to evaluate the future impacts of climate change on human society and the natural environment. She has published over 125 peer-reviewed abstracts and publications and served as lead author on key reports for the U.S. Global Change Research Program and the National Academy of Sciences, including the Second, Third and Fourth U.S. National Climate Assessments and the 2017 Climate Science Special Report. She currently serves as scientific advisor to the National Center for Atmospheric Research's Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory, Citizen's Climate Lobby, the EcoAmerica MomentUS project, the Energy and Enterprise Initiative, and the Evangelical Environmental Network as well as on serving on the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research President's Advisory Committee on University Relations.