Sunday, 7 January 2018
Exhibit Hall 5 (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
Cold fronts, and their associated westerly-northwesterly flow, in the central and south-eastern Pennsylvania region, are affected by the convoluted topography and clockwise curvature of the Appalachian Mountains. The purpose of this research is to investigate terrain-influenced fine-scale frontal features likely to propagate through the region during the Student Experience in Airborne Research in the Mid-Atlantic Region (SEAR-MAR) NSF educational deployment. These features, chosen based on climatological relevance to the target period of October through November, were simulated using the WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) model. We qualitatively analyzed model output for terrain effects on temperature gradients, vertical motion, persistent and propagating waves, and wind direction and speed. The analysis revealed possible investigation targets to be explored by the Wyoming King Air Research Aircraft, radiosondes, and surface-based observations. Based on the target areas, we developed experiments for climatologically probable synoptic events. Data collected during SEAR-MAR will be used to interrogate aforementioned features and model comparisons.