Everette Joseph joined NCAR as director in 2019 from the University at Albany, State University of New
York, where he was director of the Atmospheric Sciences Research Center.
While at Albany, Joseph co-led the $30.5 million New York State Mesonet for advanced weather
detection and the New York State Center of Excellence for the Weather Enterprise. He has served as
principal or co-principal investigator on over $90 million in research grants from NSF, the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NASA, the Army High Performance Computing Research
Center, and other agencies. He joined the UCAR Board of Trustees in 2011, where his colleagues elected
him vice chair in 2015 and chair in 2017.
Joseph has been a member of the Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate of the National Academy
of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine since 2014. Other roles have included membership on the
Steering Committee of the NASEM Decadal Survey for Earth Science and Applications from space; the
NOAA Science Advisory Board; and the American Meteorological Society Commission on the Weather,
Water and Climate Enterprise. He also is principal investigator for the NSF-sponsored US-Taiwan
Program for International Research and Education and co-PI on the NOAA Aerosol and Ocean Science
Expeditions, a series of trans-Atlantic intensive observation campaigns to gain an understanding of the
impacts of long-range transport of aerosols over the tropical ocean.
Prior to his position at the University at Albany, Joseph was director of Howard University's Program in
Atmospheric Sciences, where he dedicated himself to teaching, mentoring, and inspiring the next
generation. He also served as director of the Beltsville Center for Climate System Observation, a NASA
University Research Center. In that position, he brought together colleagues at Howard, NASA, NOAA,
Penn State, University of Maryland Baltimore County, and other institutions to develop an
interdisciplinary, multi-institutional, multi-agency center studying key atmospheric processes with
particular relevance to predictive capability in weather, climate, and air quality.
Joseph earned his Ph.D. in physics with an emphasis on atmospheric science from the University at