Session Browse by Day

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- Indicates an Award Winner
Red hyperlinked name indicates author agreed to publish email in the online program

Monday, 26 October 2020

10:00 AM-11:00 AM: Monday, 26 October 2020

2020 Mahoney Lecture
Host: 2020 AMS Washington Forum

12:00 PM-12:15 PM: Monday, 26 October 2020

Call to Order and Welcome, Day 1
Host: 2020 AMS Washington Forum
Speakers: Jennifer Sprague-Hilderbrand, NOAA; Heidi Centola, The Weather Company; Douglas Hilderbrand, National Weather Service
12:00 PM
Call to Order (Jennifer Sprague-Hilderbrand, BEED Chair)
Jennifer Sprague-Hilderbrand, NOAA, Fairfax, VA

12:05 PM
Forum Preview (Heidi Centola, AWF Planning Committee Chair)
Heidi Centola, The Weather Company, Phoenix, AZ

12:10 PM
CWWCE Remarks (Douglas Hilderbrand, CWWCE Commissioner)
Douglas Hilderbrand, National Weather Service, Silver Spring, MD

12:15 PM-1:00 PM: Monday, 26 October 2020

Administration Leadership Keynote: Hon. Kelvin K. Droegemeier (Modified Chatham House Rules)
Host: 2020 AMS Washington Forum
Chair: Thomas E. Fahy, American Institute of Physics (AIP)
Keynote: Kelvin Droegemeier, Capitol Meteorologics
12:15 PM
Hon. Kelvin K. Droegemeier
Kelvin Droegemeier, Director of the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy, Washington, DC

1:00 PM-1:15 PM: Monday, 26 October 2020

Host: 2020 AMS Washington Forum

1:15 PM-2:00 PM: Monday, 26 October 2020

NOAA Leadership Keynote: Hon. Neil Jacobs (Modified Chatham House Rules)
Host: 2020 AMS Washington Forum
Chair: Thomas E. Fahy, American Institute of Physics (AIP)
Keynote: Neil Jacobs, NOAA
1:15 PM
Hon. Neil A. Jacobs
Hon. Neil A. Jacobs, Acting Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

2:00 PM-2:15 PM: Monday, 26 October 2020

Host: 2020 AMS Washington Forum

2:15 PM-3:30 PM: Monday, 26 October 2020

Session 1
The Future of Weather Forecasters and Technology
Host: 2020 AMS Washington Forum
Cochairs: Don Berchoff, TruWeather Solutions; Erica Grow, TruWeather Solutions; John E Ten Hoeve, NWS
Speakers: David Novak, NOAA/NWS; Peter Neilley, IBM; Gail Hartfield, NWS
2:15 PM
Dave Novak
David Novak, NOAA/NWS, College Park, MD

2:30 PM
Peter Neilley
Peter Neilley, IBM

2:45 PM
Gail Hartfield
Gail Hartfield, NWS, Raleigh, NC

3:30 PM-3:45 PM: Monday, 26 October 2020

Host: 2020 AMS Washington Forum

3:45 PM-5:00 PM: Monday, 26 October 2020

Session 2
Future of Financial Weather Risk Management
Host: 2020 AMS Washington Forum
Cochairs: Robert F. Brammer, Brammer Technology, LLC; Anjelina Belakovskaia, Brammer Technology, LLC; Don Berchoff, TruWeather Solutions
Speakers: Kevin Bush, Washington DC City; Mara Childress, Bloomberg LP and Secretariat of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures; Cliff Rossi, Bloomberg LP and Secretariat of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures; Michael Seablom, Science Mission Directorate at NASA HQ
3:45 PM
Introductory Remarks

3:50 PM
Kevin Bush
Kevin Bush, Washington DC City Government

4:00 PM
Mara Childress
Mara Childress, Bloomberg LP and Secretariat of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures

4:10 PM
Cliff Rossi
Cliff Rossi, The University of Maryland

4:25 PM
Michael Seablom
Michael Seablom, Science Mission Directorate at NASA HQ

4:35 PM
Q & A

5:00 PM-5:10 PM: Monday, 26 October 2020

Closing Comments for Day 1
Host: 2020 AMS Washington Forum

5:30 PM-6:15 PM: Monday, 26 October 2020

Mentoring Meet Up 1 - Jen Mahoney and Larry Gloecker
Host: 2020 AMS Washington Forum
Cochairs: Larry Gloeckler, Riskpulse; Jennifer Mahoney, OAR

Mentoring Meet Up 2 - Tim Hall & Tanja Fransen
Host: 2020 AMS Washington Forum
Cochairs: Tim Hall, NOAA/National Weather Service; Tanja Fransen, NOAA/National Weather Service

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

12:00 PM-12:15 PM: Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Call to Order and Welcome, Day 2
Host: 2020 AMS Washington Forum
Speakers: Jennifer Sprague-Hilderbrand, NOAA; Mary Glackin, AMS President-Elect
12:00 PM
Call to Order, Day 2 (Jennifer Sprague-Hilderbrand, BEED Chair)
Jennifer Sprague-Hilderbrand, NOAA, Fairfax, VA

12:05 PM
Welcome from the AMS President
Mary Glackin, AMS President, Washington, DC

12:15 PM-1:15 PM: Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Roundtable Discussion: NOAA Policy Leadership Team (Modified Chatham House Rules)
Host: 2020 AMS Washington Forum
Chair: Thomas E. Fahy, American Institute of Physics (AIP)

1:15 PM-1:30 PM: Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Host: 2020 AMS Washington Forum

1:30 PM-2:15 PM: Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Student Weather Enterprise Keynote: Kevin Petty
Host: 2020 AMS Washington Forum
Chair: Heidi Centola, The Weather Company
Keynote: Kevin Petty, The Weather Company, an IBM Business
1:30 PM
Kevin Petty, Director, Science and Forecast Operations, The Weather Company
Kevin Petty, The Weather Company, an IBM Business

2:15 PM-2:30 PM: Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Host: 2020 AMS Washington Forum

2:30 PM-3:30 PM: Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Session 3
Where Weather and Climate Diverge: The Challenges and Opportunities of Sub-seasonal to Seasonal (S2S) Prediction
Host: 2020 AMS Washington Forum
Moderator: Andrea Lopez Lang, SUNY
Speakers: Andrea Lopez Lang, SUNY; Elizabeth A. Barnes, Colorado State University; David Dewitt, Climate Prediction Center; Mike Ventrice, NCAR
2:30 PM
Andrea Lopez Lang
Andrea Lopez Lang, SUNY, Albany, NY

2:45 PM
Elizabeth A. Barnes
Elizabeth Barnes, Colorado State University

3:00 PM
David G. DeWitt
David Dewitt, NOAA, College Park, MD

3:15 PM
Michael Ventrice
Mike Ventrice, The Weather Company, an IBM Business

3:30 PM-3:45 PM: Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Host: 2020 AMS Washington Forum

3:45 PM-4:45 PM: Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Session 4
Truth in Science: Ensuring Scientific Integrity (Modified Chatham House Rules)
Host: 2020 AMS Washington Forum
Chair: Thomas E. Fahy, American Institute of Physics (AIP)
Moderator: Mr. Mitch Ambrose, American Institute of Physics (AIP)
Speakers: Dr. Francesca Grifo, Environmental Protection Administration (EPA); Dr. David S. Draper, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA); Dr. Cynthia Decker, Environmental Protection Administration (EPA)
3:45 PM
Dr. Francesca Grifo
Dr. Francesca Grifo, Environmental Protection Administration (EPA)

4:00 PM
Dr. David S. Draper
Dr. David S. Draper, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

4:15 PM
Dr. Cynthia Decker
Dr. Cynthia Decker, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

4:45 PM-5:00 PM: Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Closing Comments for Day 2
Host: 2020 AMS Washington Forum

5:15 PM-6:00 PM: Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Mentoring Meet Up 3 - Mike Farrar & Julie Campbell
Host: 2020 AMS Washington Forum
Cochairs: Mike Farrar; Julie Campbell, The Campbell Marketing Group, Inc.

Mentoring Meet Up 4 - Mary Glackin & Yaitza Luna-Cruz
Host: 2020 AMS Washington Forum
Cochairs: Mary Glackin, AMS President-Elect; Yaitza Luna-Cruz, AMS President-Elect

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

12:00 PM-12:15 PM: Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Call to Order and Welcome, Day 3
Host: 2020 AMS Washington Forum
Speakers: Jennifer Sprague-Hilderbrand, NOAA; Michael Farrar, United States Air Force
12:00 PM
Call to Order, Day 3 (Jennifer Sprague-Hilderbrand, BEED Chair)
Jennifer Sprague-Hilderbrand, NOAA, Fairfax, VA

12:05 PM
Welcome from the Future AMS President (Mike Farrar)
Mike Farrar, AMS President-Elect

12:15 PM-1:00 PM: Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Climate and Sustainability Leadership Keynote: Kathy Jacobs
Host: 2020 AMS Washington Forum
Chair: Thomas E. Fahy, American Institute of Physics (AIP)
Keynote: Kathy Jacobs, University of Arizona
12:15 PM
Dr. Kathy Jacobs
Kathy Jacobs, University of Arizona

1:00 PM-1:15 PM: Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Host: 2020 AMS Washington Forum

1:15 PM-2:00 PM: Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Weather Enterprise Keynote: Everette Joseph
Host: 2020 AMS Washington Forum
Chair: Thomas E. Fahy, American Institute of Physics (AIP)
Keynote: Everette Joseph, NCAR
1:15 PM
Everette Joseph
Everette Joseph, Director, National Center for Atmospheric Research

2:00 PM-2:15 PM: Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Host: 2020 AMS Washington Forum

2:15 PM-3:15 PM: Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Session 5
Unlocking the Spectrum Puzzle – Balancing Weather Information Needs With Demand for 5G
Host: 2020 AMS Washington Forum
CoChair: Jordan Gerth, NOAA National Weather Service
Moderator: Renee Leduc, Narayan Strategy
Speakers: Jordan J. Gerth, NWS; Marla Dowell, NIST Communications Technology Lab and NIST Boulder Laboratory; Nathaniel J Livesey, NORTHWEST RESEARCH ASSOCIATES; Robert McDowell, Cooley LLP
2:15 PM
Jordan Gerth
Jordan Gerth, NOAA National Weather Service, Silver Spring, MD

2:30 PM
Marla Dowell
Marla Dowell, NIST Communications Technology Lab and NIST Boulder Laboratory

2:45 PM
Nathaniel Livesey
Nathaniel J Livesey, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA

3:00 PM
Robert McDowell
Robert McDowell, Former FCC Commissioner and Partner, Cooley LLP, Washington, DC

3:15 PM-3:30 PM: Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Host: 2020 AMS Washington Forum

3:30 PM-4:30 PM: Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Session 6
From Main Street to Wall Street: Adapting to Climate Change Across America
Host: 2020 AMS Washington Forum
CoChair: Steve Bennett, NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
Moderator: Stephanie Herring, NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
Speakers: Scott Schuford, American Planning Association AICP, CASE Consultants International; Edward J. Kearns, First Street Foundation,; Dylan Sandler, New York City Department of City Planning
3:30 PM
Scott Schuford
Scott Schuford, American Planning Association AICP, CASE Consultants International

3:45 PM
Edward J. Kearns
Edward J. Kearns, First Street Foundation,

4:00 PM
Dylan Sandler
Dylan Sandler, New York City Department of City Planning, New York, NY

4:30 PM-5:00 PM: Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Session 7
Mind the Gap––Objectives, Accomplishments, and Next Steps
Host: 2020 AMS Washington Forum
Cochairs: Andrea Lopez Lang, SUNY; Sheila Ngu, Protecdiv; Heidi Centola, The Weather Company
Moderator: Larry Gloeckler, Riskpulse
Speakers: Sheila Ngu, Protecdiv; Max Vido, ACES Power Marketing; Sue Haupt, NCAR
4:30 PM
Sheila Ngu
Sheila Ngu, Protecdiv

4:40 PM
Max Vido
Max Vido, ACES Power Marketing

4:50 PM
Sue Haupt
Sue Haupt, NCAR, Boulder, CO

5:00 PM-5:15 PM: Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Closing Remarks
Host: 2020 AMS Washington Forum