385082 Michael Ventrice

Tuesday, 27 October 2020: 3:15 PM
Mike Ventrice, The Weather Company, an IBM Business

Dr. Michael Ventrice is a Meteorological Scientist and Software Engineer at The Weather Company, an IBM Business. The Weather Company helps millions of consumers and businesses make informed decisions based on weather data. You may be familiar with Weather.com or Weather Underground – all part of The Weather Company. Michael is also the lead sub-seasonal (Week 3-5) forecaster at the company. He received his Ph.D. at the University at Albany, focused in tropical meteorology and is considered an expert in global circulation. Due to the nature of his background, Dr. Ventrice is often quoted in various media outlets periodically appears on TV or recorded videos on weather.com during big weather events.

Dr. Ventrice is a member of the AMS, and was the 2018 Chair for the AMS Board for Private Sector Meteorologists.

You can follow him on twitter @MJVentrice.

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