385083 Andrea Lopez Lang

Tuesday, 27 October 2020: 2:30 PM
Andrea Lopez Lang, SUNY, Albany, NY

Dr. Andrea Lopez Lang is an Associate Professor at the University at Albany, SUNY, whose research and teaching focuses on extratropical atmospheric dynamics on the timescales of days to seasons. Her contributions to the research community include serving on the U.S. Interagency Weather Research Coordination Committee's subgroup on Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Prediction and her recently completed role as co-lead of NOAA MAPP's Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Prediction Task Force She also serves as a member of the AMS Middle Atmosphere Committee and is an Associate Editor of AMS’s Monthly Weather Review. She is a member of the AMS Board of Enterprise Economic Development and was a co-organizer of the 2019 NSF "Mind the Gap" workshop that brought together academic and industry leaders to address educating the next generation of atmospheric scientists for careers in industry and co-chairs the AMS ad-hoc committee on the same topic. She was selected for the inagural class of the AMS Early Career Leadership Acadamy and is a former Ford Foundation Fellow.
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