Wednesday, 28 October 2020: 2:15 PM-3:15 PM
Host: 2020 AMS Washington Forum
Jordan Gerth, NOAA National Weather Service, Office of Observations
Renee Leduc, Narayan Strategy, Arlington, VA
Jordan J. Gerth, NWS, Obs, Silver Spring, MD; Marla Dowell, NIST Communications Technology Lab and NIST Boulder Laboratory, Director; Nathaniel J Livesey, NORTHWEST RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, Socorro, NM and Robert McDowell, Cooley LLP, Global Communications Practice
The weather enterprise has been increasingly learning about risks associated with shared spectrum during the past few years as the deployment of 5G accelerates. But what are the specific concerns today? And how do we mitigate such risk to maintain the quality and delivery of severe weather observations, and thus forecast quality? After an update from the AMS on recent policy actions and advocacy related to spectrum matters, experts will discuss spectrum regulatory policy, the testing of future spectrum sharing technologies, and the diverse current and future use of spectrum for weather technologies.

See more of: 2020 AMS Washington Forum