21st International Conference on Interactive Information Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology

Session 15

 Interactive Processing Systems Part II
 Cochairs: Ward R. Seguin, NOAA/OAR, Silver Spring, MD; Richard Thigpen, Consultant, Silver Spring, MD; William F. Roberts, NOAA/ERL/FSL, Boulder, CO
8:30 AM15.1The InteractiveGrid Analysis and Display System (IGrADS) for the U.S. Armed Forces  extended abstract
R. Bruce Telfeyan, Air Force Weather Agency, Offutt AFB, NE; and D. M. Rozema and J. J. Wesely
8:45 AM15.2Future forecast workstations/systems  extended abstract wrf recording
Carl S. Bullock, NOAA/FSL, Boulder, CO
9:00 AM15.3Building Operational Weather Systems using an Enterprise Architecture Framework  
Edward L. Bensman, Raytheon Intelligence and Information Systems, Bellevue, NE
9:15 AM15.3a Investigations Using NOMADS in an AWIPS Environment  extended abstract wrf recording
Darien L. Davis, NOAA/OAR/FSL, Boulder, CO; and U. H. Grote, C. S. Bullock, T. B. Kent, G. J. Edwards, J. E. Ramer, E. J. Mandel, J. P. Tuell, and T. Hopkins
9:30 AM15.4FX-Net- Integrating Air Chemistry and Weather Data for Research and Operations  extended abstract wrf recording
Sher Schranz, NOAA/FSL, Boulder and CIRA/Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; and J. Stewart, E. Polster, and N. Wang
9:45 AM15.5Capital project test warning system: collaboration between NOAA and the Department of Homeland Security  
Rich Jesuroga, FSL, Boulder, CO; and U. H. Grote, D. A. E. MacDonald, B. B. Hicks, D. R. B. Chadwick, D. J. A. McGinley, P. M. Kenul, M. Paese, and C. Golden
10:00 AMFormal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break  
11:15 AM15.6National Weather Service Digital Services Operations Concept  extended abstract wrf recording
LeRoy Spayd, NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD; and G. Austin and D. C. Young
11:30 AM15.7Evolution of digital forecasts at NWS Forecast Offices  extended abstract wrf recording
Lynn P. Maximuk, NOAA/NWS, Pleasant Hill, MO
11:45 AM15.8GFE - The Next Generation  extended abstract wrf recording
Carven A. Scott, NOAA/NWSFO, Anchorage, AK; and V. J. Proton, J. A. Nelson, R. Wise, S. T. Miller, and C. Eldred
12:00 PM15.9Multipass Processing for Automatic Text Forecast Generation  extended abstract wrf recording
Tracy L. Hansen, NOAA/ERL/FSL, Boulder, CO; and T. J. Lefebvre
12:15 PM15.10The Aviation Forecast Preparation System (AvnFPS) of the National Weather Service  
Matthew R. Peroutka, NOAA/NWS/Office of Science and Technology, Silver Spring, MD; and R. Rood, M. Graf, M. G. Oberfield, G. Trojan, and B. Li

Thursday, 13 January 2005: 8:30 AM-12:30 PM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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