Fourth Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications to Environmental Science

Session 1

 AI Techniques
 Chair: Caren Marzban, CAPS/Univ. of Oklahoma, and Applied Physics Lab/University of Washington, Seattle, WA
9:00 AM1.0aWelcoming Remarks  
Caren Marzban, CAPS/Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK and University of Washington, Seattle, WA
9:15 AM1.1On Genetic Algorithms and Discrete Performance Measures  extended abstract wrf recording
Caren Marzban, CAPS/Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK and University of Washington, Seattle, WA; and S. E. Haupt
9:30 AM1.2Validation of Receptor/ Dispersion Model Coupled with a Genetic Algorithm  extended abstract wrf recording
Sue Ellen Haupt, Penn State University, State College, PA; and G. Young
9:45 AM1.3Nonlinear principal predictor analysis using neural networks  
Alex J. Cannon, MSC, Vancouver, BC, Canada; and W. W. Hsieh
10:00 AM1.4Nonlinear complex principal component analysis  
Sanjay S.P. Rattan, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada; and W. W. Hsieh
10:15 AMCoffee Break in Poster Session Room  
10:45 AM1.5Techniques for tuning fuzzy logic algorithms  
John K. Williams, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and G. Meymaris
1.6Quantitative Analysis of the Benefit of Ontologies and Rich Metadata for Earth Science Data Discovery  
Carroll A. Hood, Raytheon, Aurora, CO; and L. D. Forsyth and L. Olsen
11:00 AM1.6aPredicting Good Probabilities with Supervised Learning  extended abstract wrf recording
Rich Caruana, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY; and A. Niculescu-Mizil
11:15 AM1.7Fingerprinting Significant Weather Events  extended abstract wrf recording
Paul Knight, Penn State Univ., University Park, PA; and J. Ross, B. Root, G. Young, and R. Grumm

Monday, 10 January 2005: 9:00 AM-11:15 AM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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