Impact of land-use and land-cover changes on mineral dust emission in Central and East Asia
We use the PSU/NCAR MM5 mesoscale model in conjunction with a dust module DuMo to simulate dust emission and estimate the fraction of anthropogenic dust in the Aral Sea region and recently formed desert lands in Northeast China. Dust emission from the Central and East Asia regions for dust events in 2001, 2003 and 2004 was simulated at a range of model-grid spatial resolutions using dust production schemes of different complexity. In addition we explore the uncertainties in the anthropogenic dust emission by performing numerical experiments with varying land use/water masks corresponding to the historical land-cover/land-use changes occurred in Central and East Asia.
Our results indicate that the recently formed anthropogenic sources can play an important role at the local and regional scales, although their contribution over the entire region is relatively small compared to the natural arid and semi-arid dust sources in Central and East Asia. We also demonstrate that using different parameterizations for land surface processes, boundary layer physics, and dust production schemes can result in up to about 50% differences in predicted dust mass fluxes over the regions of interest.