Climate scenario of the 21st century with interactive coupling between a land use model and a GCM
Climate scenario of the 21st century with interactive coupling between a land use model and a GCM
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Tuesday, 31 January 2006: 11:30 AM
Climate scenario of the 21st century with interactive coupling between a land use model and a GCM
A314 (Georgia World Congress Center)
An original way of constructing a simple ESM is presented. The ESM developed is based on the coupling between the CNRM-CM3 GCM model as used for IPCC simulations and the integrated impact model IMAGE2.2 (developed by RIVM, The Netherlands). The IMAGE2.2 model simulates not only greenhouse gases and aerosols but also the dynamic of land-cover including land-use. In the coupling, all anthropogenic forcings (GHGs, aerosols and land-cover) are thus evolving according to the IMAGE projection in the GCM. An A2 scenario has been run with this new system. This new simulation is compared with corresponding IPCC simulations. The impact of including land use changes is assessed both from the point of view of mean climate and extremes.