Recent results from the 12km North American land data assimilation system (NLDASE) project
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This AMS presentation will focus on an overview of the NLDAS-E project, and will include a summary of recent progress. Developments include the generation of forcing data sets, Noah LSM output, and workstation Eta forecasts over the entire North American domain used by NCEP's operational Eta model utilizing NASA GSFC's Compaq-Alpha supercomputing platform. NLDAS-E forcing files use 12km EDAS/Eta model output data as a data backbone, and include observed precipitation (CPC gage/Stage II Merged, CMAP, and CMORPH) and observed radiation (AGRMET and GOES) products when available. Four 10-day series of workstation Eta simulations have been conducted and verified for the period of May 1st through May 10th, 2003. Four sets of workstation Eta simulations have been conducted and verified for the period of May 1st through May 13th, 2003. These include a baseline run initialized with NCEP operational land surface conditions, a baseline run initialized with NLDAS-E land surface conditions, and two experimental runs using initial land surface conditions drawn from NLDAS-E simulations which assimilated MODIS snowcover data.
Initial verification results from the NCEP FVS show that NLDAS-E land surface initialization of the workstation Eta model has a generally positive impact on 2-m temperature, 10-m wind, 2-m relative humidity, and precipitation forecast fields out to 84 hours. The largest effects appear in the 2-m temperature and 2-m relative humidity fields. Impacts vary greatly by region and output field, and FVS output will be detailed in the presentation.
Project data and information concerning NLDAS-E can be obtained from http://ldas.gsfc.nasa.gov. This presentation is submitted in conjunction with a complimentary NLDAS-E presentation which will be given by Charles Alonge. Submitted in a separate abstract, this second NLDAS-E talk will focus on verification of specific case study events within the May 1st-May 13th 2003 time period mentioned above, in contrast to the general overview and verification information given in this talk.