15th Conference on Boundary Layer and Turbulence


Turbulent Structures in the Convective Boundary Layer, such as Plumes and Puffs, in Relation to the Thermal Characteristics of the Surface

F. T. M. Nieuwstadt, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands; and J. C. R. Hunt and H. S. Fernando

We consider turbulent convection in a horizontal fluid layer of depth h, which lies above a solid base with thickness hb. The fluid parameters are the kinematic viscosity n, the thermal diffusivity k, which is taken to be comparable with n, the density r, the specific heat cp and the expansion parameter b. The thermal diffusivity of the solid base is kb. The buoyancy forces determined by the average heat flux rcpFq produce turbulence with a typical velocity w*=(g b Fq h)1/3. It is well-known from numerical simulation but also from various observations that the turbulence in convective conditions consists of large-scale eddy motions or coherent structures. At very high Reynolds numbers with Re=w* h / n >104 as occurs in the atmospheric boundary layer but also in other geophysical applications such as the ocean and earth's interior the surface is highly turbulent with a logarithmic velocity and temperature profile. An order of magnitude analysis shows that plumes can only develop if the surface flux is uniform, for example by radiant heat transfer or if the base is very thin (assuming constant heat flux below the base). In other cases puffs can form. To check our analysis we have conducted a DNS. At the bottom of the base a heat flux is applied so that the mean heat flux at the bottom of the fluid layer is rcpFq. Computations are carried out for two values of the Rayleigh number Ra=104 and 105 and with 0.1 < kb / k < 10. The simulations are performed in a rectangular box with an aspect ratio of the fluid domain equal to 5:1. The depth of the conductive base is the same as the depth of the fluid (hb=h). The resolution in the fluid layer is 403 grid points for Ra=104 and 1003 for Ra=105. It is found from the numerical solutions that the largest temperature fluctuations occur for a small value of kb / k and the smallest temperature fluctuations for a large value of kb / k. The spatial scales of eddy structures in the lowest surface layer of the fluid layer become significantly smaller as kb / k is reduced from 10 to 0.1.

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Session 3, Convective BLs
Monday, 15 July 2002, 10:30 AM-12:30 PM

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