15th Conference on Boundary Layer and Turbulence

Session 3

 Convective BLs
 Organizer: Robert Banta, NOAA, Boulder, CO
10:30 AM3.1Dynamics of convective entrainment in a heterogeneously stratified atmosphere with wind shear  extended abstract
Robert Conzemius, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and E. Fedorovich
10:45 AM3.2The shear contribution to the evolution of a convective boundary layer  extended abstract
David Pino, Institute for Space Studies of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain; and P. G. Duynkerke and J. Vilà-Guerau de Arellano
11:00 AM3.3Effects of initial temperature and velocity perturbations on the development of convection in the atmospheric boundary layer  extended abstract
Evgeni Fedorovich, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and R. Conzemius
11:15 AM3.4Turbulent Structures in the Convective Boundary Layer, such as Plumes and Puffs, in Relation to the Thermal Characteristics of the Surface  extended abstract
F. T. M. Nieuwstadt, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands; and J. C. R. Hunt and H. S. Fernando
11:30 AM3.5Broadening of convective cells during cold air outbreaks: A high resolution study using a parallelized les model  extended abstract
Michael Schröter, University of Hannover, Hannover, Germany; and S. Raasch
11:45 AM3.6Evaluation of Relationships between Boundary-Layer Height and Heat Flux  extended abstract
Janus W. Schipper, Wageningen Univ., Wageningen, Netherlands; and W. M. Angevine, A. B. White, and T. Myers
12:00 PM3.7Air mass transformation over the Sea of Japan during cold-air outbreaks revealed by aircraft observations  extended abstract
Jun Inoue, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan; and M. Kawashima, Y. Fujiyoshi, and M. Yoshizaki
12:15 PM3.8Eddy-diffusivity and convective boundary layers: A new mixing length formulation  
João Teixeira, UCAR Visiting Scientist, NRL, Monterey, CA; and S. Cheinet

Monday, 15 July 2002: 10:30 AM-12:30 PM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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