Joint Poster Session 5 |
| Turbulence over Complex Terrain (Joint between 17BLT and 27AgForest) |
| | JP5.1 | Topographycal Effect on Soil Respiration in Mountanious Catchment Koji Tamai, Forestry & Forest Products Research Institute, Kumamoto, Japan |
| | JP5.2 | The role of clearcuts and spatial disturbances on the downwind canopy layer flow and turbulence Gengsheng Zhang, University of Georgia, Griffin, GA; and M. Y. Leclerc, A. Karipot, C. Thomas, and T. Foken |
| | JP5.3 | The role of advection on CO2 flux measurements at the Cabauw tall tower, The Netherlands Cindy Werner, Geological and Nuclear Sciences, Taupo, New Zealand; and F. C. Bosveld, A. Vermeulen, and E. Moors |
| | JP5.4 | On the sensitivity of Lagrangian Stochastic footprint modeling to within canopy flow statistics derived from Wavelet analysis Mathias Göckede, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR; and C. Thomas, T. Markkanen, M. Mauder, J. Ruppert, and T. Foken |
| | JP5.5 | Modeling of the forest gaps-forest interaction Andrey Sogachev, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, POBox 68, Finland; and M. Y. Leclerc, A. Karipot, G. Zhang, and T. Vesala |
| | JP5.6 | Mesoscale basin flows in the nocturnal boundary-layer: modeling and verification Antonio Mira Navarro, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain; and J. Cuxart, A. Luque, and J. A. Guijarro |
| | JP5.7 | Evaluation of dynamic subgrid-scale models in large-eddy simulations of turbulent flow over a two-dimensional sinusoidal hill Feng Wan, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; and F. Porté-Agel |
|  | JP5.8 | An LES study on the CBLs over heterogeneous land surfaces Songlak Kang, Penn State University, University Park, PA; and K. J. Davis |