Friday, 28 July 2017: 9:00 AM
Constellation F (Hyatt Regency Baltimore)
Handout (3.3 MB)
In this presentation, we will apply a new methodology developed by our group for identifying individual rainstorms and studying the future changes of preciitation characteristics—including starting location, intensity, spatial extent, duration, and trajectory. We will investigate the precipitation change using six WRF runs driven by different GCMs in mid and late 21st century considering different emission scenarios. The WRF runs were also conducted by our group. The model output covers much of North America, but our analysis will focsu on CONUS. The spatial resolution of the WRF model is 12 km, and the out put is in 3hour interval. If time permits, we will also analyze the dynamics and physics behind the changes in precipitation features to understand why the future changes ocurr.