5th Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology and the 2nd International Wildland Fire Ecology and Fire Management Congress

Session 1E: Fire Behavior Applications (TRACK V)

Wednesday, 19 November 2003: 1:30 PM-5:30 PM
Chairs:  Charles W. McHugh, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station and Robert C. Seli, USDA Forest Service Research
  1:30 PM
Flammability of native understory species within pine flatwood and hardwood hammock ecosystems
Anna L. Behm, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL; and M. L. Duryea, A. J. Long, W. C. Zipperer, and C. K. Randall

  2:00 PM
Landscape fragmentation and fire vulnerability in primary forest adjacent to recent land clearings in the Amazon arc of deforestation
Ernesto C. Alvarado, University of Washington, Seattle, WA; and D. V. Sandberg, J. Andrade de Carvalho Jr., R. Gielow, and J. C. Santos

Poster PDF (840.6 kB)
  2:30 PM
Measuring the Effectiveness of Fuel Treatments in Changing Fire Behavior and Effects During Wildfires
Jo Ann Fites-Kaufman, USDA Forest Service, Nevada City, CA; and D. Sapsis, S. Husari, L. Hood, B. Bahro, C. Neill, D. C. Lee, and B. Butler

  3:00 PM
Seasonal changes in selected combustion characteristics of ornamental vegetation
David R. Weise, USDA Forest Service, Riverside, CA; and R. H. White, S. Frommer, F. C. Beall, and M. Etlinger

  3:30 PM
Probability of Spotfires During Prescribed Burns
John R. Weir, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK

  4:00 PM
Fire Modeling and Weather Analysis on the White Mountain National Forest
Rick D. Stratton, Systems for Environmental Management, Missoula, MT; and T. Brady

  4:30 PM
Fire behavior and fire seasonality in the Washington Cascades
Michael Medler, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA; and K. E. Buford

  5:00 PM
Coffee Break