6th Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography

Session 5a

 Atmosphere-Surface Exchanges and Forcings (Parallel with Session 5B)
 Organizer: Ola P. G. Persson, CIRES/Univ. of Colorado and NOAA/ETL, Boulder, CO
8:00 AM5a.1Overview of the SHEBA Project (INVITED)  
Richard E. Moritz, University of Washington, Seattle, WA; and C. M. Bitz and A. Rivers
8:30 AM5a.2Evaluation of strategies for conducting atmospheric single column model experiments for SHEBA  extended abstract
James Pinto, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO; and J. Curry
8:45 AM5a.3Evaluation of a single column model using SHEBA data  
Afshan Alam, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO; and J. Curry
9:00 AM5a.4The air-ice drag coefficient measured for a year over Arctic sea ice  
Edgar L Andreas, U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, Hanover, NH; and C. W. Fairall, P. S. Guest, and O. P. G. Persson
9:15 AM5a.5Applications of the Aerosonde to Long-Term Observations in the Arctic  
Judith Curry, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO; and J. Maslanik
9:30 AM5a.6Dynamic and thermodynamic characteristics of large-scale atmospheric response to anomalous sea-ice extent in the Sea of Okhotsk  
Meiji Honda, IGCR, Tokyo, Japan; and H. Nakamura
9:45 AM5a.7Role of sea-ice in the air mass transformation over the southwestern region of the Sea of Okhotsk during cold air outbreaks  extended abstract
Jun Inoue, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan; and M. Honda and M. Kawashima

Friday, 18 May 2001: 8:00 AM-10:00 AM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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