Tuesday, 13 August 2002
Mesoscale Modeling of Significant Severe Weather and Flash Flood Events at WFO Jackson, MS
The National Weather Service (NWS) Weather Forecast Office (WFO) in Jackson, MS, operationally runs a 5 km horizontal resolution, non-hydrostatic version of the Workstation-Eta (WS-Eta) model twice daily to support forecast operations. To assist in training staff on the use of this model, the WFO has rerun the WS-Eta model in hindcast mode utilizing a variety of parameterization and physics schemes for several severe weather and flash flood events. These events include the significant tornado outbreak of 24 November 2001, and the major flash flood event of 4 April 2001. This poster will focus on how output from these model runs might have assisted the forecast process for these events. This will include examining the performance of specific model fields, including quantitative precipitation, convective available potential energy, and shear parameters. Additionally, the ability of the model to forecast features such as the position of boundaries important to convective initiation will be discussed.
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