The workstation version of the Eta model was developed at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). It was configured over Southern New England with a 0.027 degrees (about 4 km) horizontal resolution grid and 38 sigma vertical levels. The model was modified to use a 30" resolution land-water mask instead of original 2' land-water mask. A comprehensive physics parameterization package is applied. The model is run on an SGI Origin 2000 workstation using up to 8 processors to generate 24 hour forecasts once a day with hourly resolution. For 6 processors' run the CPU time is about 2 hours 30 minutes. Calculated surface parameters (wind, temperature, sensible and latent heat fluxes, radiation and others) are used as surface boundary conditions for a numerical ocean prediction model for Narragansett Bay and adjacent waters. Hourly forecasts from the Eta model and the LAPS' analyses are displayed at
A comparison of Eta model forecasts to observations from mesonets, radiosondes, and a boundary layer wind profiler is presented. The implementation of the Eta model for the watershed is funded by a National Oceanographic Partnership Program project involving the University of Rhode Island, Drexel and Brown Universities, and Applied Science Associates.
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