This project is a collaboration among several organizations. Data assimilation will be performed
mainly by a technology-neutral organization, the National Centers for Environmental Prediction
(NCEP) and repeated by NASA/Data Assimilation Office (DAO). Simpson Weather Associates
(SWA) and NOAA scientists are participating in the simulation of Doppler Wind Lidar (DWL)
observations, and the National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service (NESDIS)
will simulate both existing and future thermodynamic sounders. NASA/DAO will simulate
conventional observations including ACARS and cloud track winds.
The first "nature run" (true atmosphere for the OSSEs) was provided by the European Centre for
Medium- Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) for February 1993. The representativeness of the
nature run was evaluated and found to be suitable to conduct OSSEs after some adjustment for
low level cloud. Alternative nature run has been also prepared by NASA/DAO including summer
and being evaluated.
Data impact of existing instruments in real and simulated data are compared for calibration. The
impact test showed satisfactory similarity on TOVS 1B data and RAOB wind between real and
simulated analysis. It is found that RAOB temperature may require some bias correction.
Localized SST anomaly in late February caused large impact of 1B data in real analysis. These
facts need to be considered when we asses the data impact of new instruments. It is noted that
this OSSE can assess the data impact when SST variability is small.
For DWL OSSE, the bracketing OSSEs are being performed for various concepts to bound the
technology neutral potential impact. Scanning: wavelength; data sampling strategies: various
error characterizations are tested through the bracketing OSSE. The initial results show the
impact is sensitive to error assignment. The results show that scanning is most important
particularly in upper atmosphere. Penetration important in lower troposphere. Designing
systematic errors, various representativeness errors, and large scale correlated errors for both
existing instruments and DWL are being developed. .
OSSEs for atmospheric infrared sounder (AIRS) and cloud motion vectors are under preparation.
OSSE for other instruments such as cross track infrared sounder (CrIS), conically scanning
microwave imager/sounder (CMIS), advanced technology microwave sounder (ATMS) are also
being considered.
Through OSSEs at operational centers, the operational data assimilation systems will be ready to handle new data in time for the launch. This process involves the evaluation of the operational load, the development of the data base and data-processing, and a quality control system. All of this development will accelerate the operational use of data from the future instruments.
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