The main focus of this study is numerical simulations of clouds and precipitation as they relate to aircraft icing and, of particular importance, freezing drizzle/rain (or supercooled large drops, SLD). Many tests were conducted in two-dimensions using idealized flow over a barrier before continuing to fully three-dimensional simulations involving case studies of freezing drizzle/rain events. While precipitation amount and type reaching the ground is important, we also examine research aircraft data to compare against the model simulations of supercooled liquid water.
Observational data suggests that many freezing drizzle/rain cases are non-classical in the sense that collision/ coalescence is responsible for cloud droplet growth to drizzle/rain sizes. On the other hand, the classical mechanism consists of ice initiation, growth to snow, and subsequent melting through a warm layer (temperature greater than 0C) before passing back into a sub-freezing layer and supercooling to freezing drizzle/rain. In this paper, both classical and non-classical freezing drizzle/ rain cases are investigated using numerical simulations.