Monday, 30 July 2001: 9:30 AM
The next version of the Canadian operational GEM regional mesoscale model
A new mesoscale version of the GEM regional model in operation in Canada
for numerical weather prediction has been under development for some time.
The main changes to the modeling system include an increased resolution
both in the horizontal (on the order of 15 km instead of 24 km) and the
vertical (45-50 levels instead of 28) and improvements to the physics package.
These include a new surface processes package (with a mosaic-type treatment
of land surface over continents - ISBA scheme with vegetation and snow -,
open waters, sea ice, and glaciers), an improved formulation of the boundary
layer to represent clouds with a unified moist turbulence approach, Kain-
Fritsch deep convection scheme, and the Tremblay mixed-phase condensation
scheme with explicit microphysics, together with revisions to the cloud
radiative optical properties. The new surface package uses a high-resolution
dataset to generate the geophysical fields (vegetation types, soil properties,
,...) and a sequential assimilation method has been developed for surface and
soil variables (soil temperature and soil moisture). An overview of the various
aspects of the new mesoscale modeling system will be presented at the Conference.
A few case studies will be shown to illustrate some interesting mesoscale
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