18th Conference on Weather and Forecasting, 14th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, and Ninth Conference on Mesoscale Processes

Poster Session 3: The development of the mesoscale prediction models—with Coffee Break

Tuesday, 31 July 2001: 2:30 PM-4:00 PM
Operational fire weather support through the use of a mesoscale forecast model
Michael P. Meyers, NOAA/NWSFO, Grand Junction, CO; and E. M. Page, R. L. McAnelly, and W. R. Cotton

The sensitivity of nesting strategy of the NCEP regional spectral model
Hann-Ming Henry Juang, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/CPC, Camp Springs, MD; and S. Y. Hong

Poster PDF (79.7 kB)
An upper boundary condition for nonhydrostatic models absorbing both gravity and acoustic waves
R. James Purser, General Sciences Corporation, Beltsville, MD; and S. K. Kar

Poster PDF (675.0 kB)
A Mesoscale Model for Global Medium-Range Weather Forecasting in Canada
Stéphane Bélair, MSC, Dorval, PQ, Canada; and J. Mailhot, A. Tremblay, A. M. Leduc, A. Méthot, M. Roch, and P. Vaillancourt

Mesoscale model evaluation of a new integration scheme for the Met Office Unified Model
Andrew J. Malcolm, UK Met Office, Bracknell, Berks., United Kingdom; and T. Davies, H. Lean, and P. Clark

Poster PDF (139.8 kB)