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COMET's MetEd website will soon host a community site specifically for broadcast meteorologists. This site will provide access to continuing education materials as well as freely available images and graphical materials for use on the air as well as on station websites.
COMET staff have played an active role in helping to develop the written exam used in the new AMS Certified Broadcast Meteorologist program and the associated study guide. The study guide incorporates many of the online training modules available through the COMET MetEd website as well as other helpful sites.
In addition, the COMET Program has expanded the MetEd website to better support continuing education by providing documentation and certificates for people completing online courses. The MetEd Registration and Assessment system allows participants to take quizzes associated with online modules, and receive completion certificates after passing the quiz. Registered customers can view transcripts of all their courses with associated quiz scores and dates of completion. This documentation can be helpful in both National Weather Association Seal recertification and professional development activities for the AMS CBM program.