We begin working toward your success even before a new WSI animation or innovation hits your air. Every new product we offer has been pre-tested in front of audiences for clarity and visual impact. This is the heart of our promise, "Viewer tested. Ratings proven." No wonder WSI is the choice of more #1 stations around the world.
In keeping with WSI's tradition of providing industry-leading technology, this year WSI is introducing a new suite of products that provide broadcasters the ability to embrace emerging outlets for content distribution. Here's a quick preview of these exciting new technologies:
The Mogul digital media suite WSI's new Mogul digital media suite turns every digital device into a fresh outlet for your news. And a fresh source of revenue for your station. Because now no matter where viewers go, your news goes with them.
Developed for programming your digital channels, Mogul has evolved to reach viewers' computer desktops, cell phones, and more with specially formatted versions of weather news. In fact, Mogul can even send business, traffic, sports and headline news to these devices. No other digital broadcast system can match Mogul's programming range and flexibility.
It's the news viewers want, reaching the audience advertisers want most. Mogul expands your revenues while expanding your media empire, one digital device at a time.
NowNet Accurate, live, localized and complete, NowNet's network of neighborhood-level weather sensors creates the highest resolution picture you can get of the disruptive weather in your area. It's the only commercial weather network of its kind.
NowNet uses proprietary WSI technology to fuse this sensor data with satellite, radar, lightning and terrain information to produce a truly comprehensive report of the weather right now. NowNet's accuracy is equivalent to the sensors deployed by the National Weather Service, yet can cover ten times more locations in a typical DMA.
Titan 2.0 Titan 2.0 is the most powerful weather system in television history. Designed to provide first-to-air, neighborhood-level forecasts and depictions of severe weather, Titan 2.0 has been refined for coverage of disruptive weather of all kinds. This new release has quickly become the system of choice in markets where weathercast accuracy saves lives.
Titan uses volumetric radar data to create television's highest-quality live 3D images of severe and disruptive weather. Viewers find this realistic depiction of weather more useful and easier to understand than the chunky graphics of other severe weather systems. With Titan, your weathercast looks more polished and credible with more immediacy and relevance.
Titan also receives exclusive predictive data from WSI headquarters, including the Rapid Precision-Forecast Model (RPM). With RPM, you'll create promotable, extremely accurate hyper-local 48-hour forecasts of thunderstorms, blizzards, driving rain and more. All before these events unfold.
TrueView Television's most advanced storytelling tool just got better. New features help TrueView bring more kinds of disruptive weather to life and generate more compelling content than ever before. From in-depth coverage of current weather conditions to forecasting the future, no other weather system does a better job of showcasing dramatic events and infusing your newscast with personality.
TrueView's new Pinpoint Query enables your weather presenter to easily bring up live, breaking weather data from specific points of interest within your market. Your talent stays on air with updating, hyper-local information and animations of events as they happen.
Even TrueView's industry-leading graphics have been enhanced to depict atmospheric conditions and create more realistic weather images. This high quality three dimensional imagery has proven to be compelling to test audiences time and time again, easily setting TrueView weathercasts apart from those of stations using other systems.
This year, TrueView gives you more advantages than ever: Pinpoint Query Keeps talent on-air during breaking weather with live, hyper-local weather data at their fingertips,
Breaking Weather + Forecasting TrueView seamlessly takes your weather coverage of breaking weather stories from observation through forecast, even providing step-through day part predictions,
Better Imagery "Viewer tested, ratings proven" 3D visualizations create the most compelling content in television news,
Simpler Controls More intuitive, interactive hand tracking improves weather presenter performances,
Powered by Vortex The world's most powerful forecasting engine collects more data from more sources than any other weather system.