Tuesday, 11 January 2000
M. Lawrence Nicodemus, NOAA/NCDC, Asheville, NC; and O. Brass
The National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) has recently released Version 5.0 of the International Station Meteorological Climate Summary (ISMCS) CD-ROM.. This CD-ROM contains a comprehensive set of tables summarizing hourly and daily weather data for nearly 3000 stations worldwide. The major change for Version 5.0 is that it is Windows 95/98/NT compatible and it will not run on older DOS/Windows systems. The tables for domestic U.S. stations are updated using data through 1998, and Australian tables with data through 1995. The USAF Surface Observation Climate Summary (SOCS) table formats will not be available on the latest version.
Station summary tables are easily accessed through either a world map with zoom capability or a sorted list of stations. Multiple station selection lists can be made and saved for later applications. Selected station tables can be viewed individually on the screen or printed one at a time to a printer or disk file. Each station has all available tables in an ASCII, semicolon delimited format. A table extraction program is available which allows the user to select and save all or part of the available tables for each station in a delimited ASCII format. These data can then be loaded into many common spread sheet programs. A computer with the ISMCS version 5.0 CD will be available for demonstration/access at the poster session.

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