Tuesday, 11 January 2000
The National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) is developing plans for the production and presentation of 1971 - 2000 climatic normals, i.e. monthly and daily values of maximum and minimum temperature, total precipitation and heating and cooling degree days. NCDC is also developing an on-line
capability for users to compute standard normals or calculate long-term means based on selectable averaging periods and data processing criteria. The on-line capability will also enable users to compute supplemental normals, previously referred to as CLIM20 products. Supplemental normals products include freeze data, growing degree days, extremes, probabilities and the number of days of occurrence for selected values of temperature and precipitation. The poster session will present the plans for producing the
1971 - 2000 standard normals and for developing a user interactive climate means web page for calculations of supplemental normals products and user-defined climatic means.