J1.26 Interactive access to distributed in-situ data in a collaborative tool environment

Wednesday, 12 January 2000: 4:00 PM
Donald W. Denbo, NOAA/PMEL and JISAO/Univ.of Washington, Seattle, WA; and C. R. Windsor

OceanShare is a tool for integrated browse of in-situ data from multiple geographicallly distributed archives. It features on-the-fly production of integrated browse images (graphics) from in situ datasets stored at two or more geographically-distributed data archives and allows two or more scientists at different locations to view these images and have annotations simultaneously appear on all collaborating scientists desktops. All collaborating scientists will be able to interactively post messages and change the data being displayed. NCSA Habanero tools which may be utilized include a whiteboard, a collaborative text editor, JAVA graph and various chat utilities.
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