In association with these rapid changes, the NWS Office of Meteorology, working with its three Training Facilities, the Regional Headquarters offices and the National Centers for Environmental Prediction, has developed a NSTEP. The NSTEP outlines the process by which field training requirements are defined and prioritized by a Field Requirements Group (FRG). It also outlines a process for the generation of yearly Implementation Plans to ensure that quickly evolving training requirements are met. The goal of NSTEP is to ensure the NWS Training Center (NWSTC), Operational Support Facility/Operations Training Branch (OSF/OTB) and the Cooperative Program for Operational Meteorology, Education and Training (COMET) are provided with clearly defined requirements so that they can maximize their efficiency and effectiveness.
Job profiency standards are being developed for all NWS operational positions. These standards will be integrally linked to associated training materials on a common server at the NWSTC. The training information will provide electronic technicians, hydrologists, administrative personnel, managers, and meteorologists with a common baseline of training. COMET will continue to host a "METED" server dedicated to providing web-based meteorological educational materials to the community.