The Pennsylvania Standards follow the National Standards with an increase in some content areas, such as agriculture, and an increase in the planned depth and breadth of understanding in most areas. The new direction is very comprehensive.
The existing standards for language arts and mathematics are assessed at the fifth, eighth and eleventh grades with exit standards also identified. Due to the extent of testing, it was determined that additional assessments in those grades was not advisable, so the science standards will be assessed at the end of the fourth, seventh and tenth grades. Exit standards will also be identified for graduating seniors. While the Commonwealth will not have an assessment at that level, individual districts are expected to have an assessment of some kind in place.
Many of the standards are expressed, as systems while others are more specific.
This paper will present the standards met or enhanced by the modules of the Maury Project. The modules, each focussing on single or related concepts in physical oceanography, cover a wide range of the proposed standards. Earth systems, physics, oceanography, environmental science, ecology, space science and satellite technology are a few of the topics touched on by the modules. When graphing, measuring and other mathematical skills are included, the modules also meet or assist with meeting some of the mathematics standards.
To the extent possible, both Pennsylvania State and National standards will be included. Mathematics standards for Pennsylvania will also be included.
It is important in today's environment in education to be able demonstrate how a course of study, text book, or any supplement to the available programs, will assist with meeting the standards approved by larger entities. The Maury Project Modules train teachers in the concepts of physical oceanography. It is important for them to know and understand where the concepts fit in the larger scheme of science instruction as it is evolving.